Pitt Robotics Club

Welcome to the Robotics and Automation Society at the University of Pittsburgh. Here you will find plenty of information about this club and what we do. It is a great way to learn and apply key concepts to building robots in a hands on environment. Students of all experience levels and majors are welcome as we will teach you everything you need to know to get started and will get everyone involved. For more information about why you may want to join the club and how to join click here...

IEEE moving in

Effective 3/13/2012:
The University of Pittsburgh IEEE student group will be moving into our room.
There will be even greater space constraints due to having 3 groups located in the same room.

Sorry for the inconvenience, and hopefully we can make changes to make it easier in the room.

Final competition - Spring 2012

The end of year competition is set for Saturday, April 15th at 1:00 pm on the Benedum patio

The robots will be shown off and we can see what the groups have done this year. It'll be fun for all who attend, so feel free to bring a friend to watch the show.

Spring 2011 Competition Winners (Maze Robots)

Congratulations to the winners: Josh Telson's Group!
Their robot navigated the course in 3:20

Other Contenders

The other groups weren't far behind. Good job everyone!

Weekly Group Meetings

920 Benedum Hall

Meetings will begin again in Fall 2012.


President: Kevin Kay
Other Officers: TBA

Contact Info

Please direct all inquiries, comments, or complaints to the group e-mail. If you would like to contact an officer directly, go to the contact page.